Visit Morebiz
We welcome visitors and prospective members to the group each Thursday.
If you are thinking of attending, please call a member of the group or complete the form below and one of our members will contact you to discuss your visit.
The meeting follows the same agenda each week. In brief, the format is that before the meeting starts there is a general networking session followed by breakfast. During the meeting, members speak to the group for 60 seconds to tell us what they are looking to achieve in business, what companies they would like to deal with etc. Following this, any visitors and substitutes get the same opportunity to speak for 60 seconds. We then break for coffee, and this is followed by a member/speaker who gives a 10-minute presentation.
We close the meeting by members recapping referrals they have passed, and recon meetings that gave have with other members.
If you would like to attend a meeting and see what our group does please complete this form. It helps with catering numbers to know in advance if you are coming to visit us. Please complete this form to request further information and we will contact you shortly. Please make sure you fill in all required (*) fields.
Please bring 30 business cards;
You will get the opportunity to pass them around the table during the meeting. You will get the opportunity (if you wish) to introduce yourself and your business for 60 seconds. You need to bring a pen and paper (or digital method), so you can take any notes you might want to record.
All members of our group were originally first-time visitors, and we know it is a nervous thing to do to walk into a room of 30 people you do not know. Please be assured you will be greeted by a friendly handshake and a warm cup of tea or coffee.
Decide if you'd like to join
Once you have attended, a member of the group will talk to you to ask for your first impressions of the group and if you would like to apply. You can come for a second visit if you wish.